Elementary Number Theory – Primitive Root Conditions for Integer m


Show that the integer $m$ has primitive root if and only if the only solutions of the congruence $x^{2} \equiv 1 \pmod m$ are $x \equiv \pm 1\pmod m$.

I don't quite understand what this question is asking for, I thought primitive roots had order $\phi(m)$.

Best Answer

Let $m\geq 3$ and $g$ is a primitive root modulo $m$. Then $\mathbb Z^*_m$ can be fully represented by $\{g_0,\dots,g^{\varphi(m)-1}\}$. Hence, any $x\in \mathbb Z^*_m$ can be written as $x=g^k$ for some $0\leq k<\varphi (m)$ and working in $\mathbb Z_m$: $$x^2=1 \Leftrightarrow (g^k)^2= 1 \Leftrightarrow g^{2k}= 1 \Leftrightarrow \varphi(m) \mid 2k$$ which is only possible for at most two values of $k$, namely $0$ and $\frac{\varphi(m)}{2}$. As $\pm 1$ are always solutions and distinct, those are exactly the two solutions.

The other direction is most likely more difficult, I don't have a proof yet, but you can of course deduce this from Euler's theorem:

If there is no primitive root modulo $m$, then by Euler's theorem $m$ can not be of the form $$2, 4, p^k, 2p^k$$ where $p$ is an odd prime and $k$ is a positive integer. Check carefully, that this implies that $m$ is either a power of two or can be written as product of two coprime numbers which are both at least $3$. In both cases we find more than two solutions:

  • $m=2^k$. Define $x=2^{k-1}-1$. Then $x\not\equiv \pm 1\pmod{2^k}$, but $$x^2=(2^{k-1}-1)^2=2^k-2\cdot 2^{k-1} +1 \equiv 1\pmod{2^k}$$
  • $m=ab, (a,b)=1, a,b\geq 3$: Then $x^2\equiv 1\pmod a$ and $x^2\equiv 1\pmod b$ have both at least two distinct solutions ($\pm 1$) and the Chinese remainder theorem tells that $x^2\equiv 1\pmod{ab}$ has at least four solutions.
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