[Math] Instantaneous rate of change of the volume of a cone with respect to the radius, if the height is fixed


My teacher has not taught us derivatives yet, so I need to solve this without their use.

The problem states: "Find the instantaneous rate of change of the volume $V=\frac 13\pi r^2 H$ of a cone with respect to the radius $r$ at $r=a$ if the height $H$ does not change."

I've already rearranged the problem into difference quotient form. According to the book and a calculator I found online the answer is $\dfrac{2\pi a H}{3}$.

Help would be very much appreciated as my test is coming up soon.

Best Answer

The instantaneous rate of change with respect to $r$ is equal to the following: \begin{align} \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{\frac{1}{3}\pi (r+h)^2H-\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2H}{h}&=\frac{\pi H}{3}\left[\lim_{h\to0}\frac{(r+h)^2-r^2}{h}\right]\\ &=\frac{\pi H}{3}\left[\lim_{h\to0}\frac{r^2+2rh+h^2-r^2}{h}\right]\\ &=\frac{\pi H}{3}\left[\lim_{h\to0}\frac{2rh+h^2}{h}\right]\\ &=\frac{\pi H}{3}\left[\lim_{h\to0}2r+h\right]\\ &=\frac{2\pi r H}{3}\\\ \end{align} So, when $r=a$, the instantaneous rate of change is $$\frac{2\pi a H}{3}$$