[Math] Inspecting Direction field

ordinary differential equations

This question is from Boyce and Diprima, page no 38, question 22.

Draw a direction field for the given differential equation. How do
solutions appear to behave as $t$ becomes large? Does the behavior
depend on the choice of the initial value a? Let $a_o$ be the value
of $a$ for which the transition from one type of behavior to another
occurs. Estimate the value of $a_o$.

The equation is

\begin{align} 2y'- y = e^{\frac{t}{3}}, \quad y(0)=a\end{align}

I used "Maxima" to draw the direction field, but cannot find out where/how to find the change in the behavior of the plot just by observing the plot.
enter image description here

Best Answer

Looking at your curves one is tempted to say the following: If the value $a:=y(0)>0$ then the solution $x\mapsto y(x)$ is increasing for all $x>0$. If $a<0$ then the solution is first decreasing, then reaches a minimum at a certain point $x_a$, and for $x>x_a$ increases definitely to infinity.

But this is not the whole truth.

In order to get a full view one has to determine the general solution of the given ODE. Using standard methods one obtains $$y(x)=C e^{x/2}-3 e^{x/3}\ ,\qquad C\ \ {\rm arbitrary}\ ,$$ and introducing the initial condition gives $$y(x)=e^{x/2}\bigl(a+3-3e^{-x/6})\bigr)\ .$$ Now you can see that the really crucial value is $a_0=-3$. I leave the details of the further discussion to you.