[Math] Inscribed kissing circles in an isosceles trapezoid


5 equal circles in an isosceles trapezoid. Radius of circle is 4. Find black colored area.
Trapezoid with circles

I don't have any ideas, could you give me a hand? Thanks.

Best Answer

Clearly the area of the colored region is 3 times the area of one of the curved triangles.

Draw a regular hexagon around one of the circles, in such a way that all of its sides are tangent to the circle (i.e., the circle is inscribed in the hexagon). There are 6 regions of the hexagon that are not contained in the circle, one at each vertex of the hexagon:
enter image description here

Note that any one of the curved triangles in your picture consists of 3 of these hexagon corners.

Let $A$ be the area of a hexagon with inradius 4. Let $B$ be the area of a circle with radius 4. The total area of 6 hexagon corner regions is $A-B$. The region we want to find is made of 3 curved triangles, each of which is made of 3 hexagon corners, for a total of 9 hexagon corners. Thus, the area of the colored region is $\frac{3}{2}(A-B)$.