[Math] Inner regular measures and tight measures


On a Hausdorff topological space $X$ with a sigma algebra $ Σ$ at least as fine as the Borel sigma algebra,

  • a measure $\mu$ is said to be inner regular, if for every set $A \in
    Σ$, $\mu(A) = \sup \{ \mu(K) | \text{ compact }K \subseteq A \}$.
  • a measure is said to be tight, if for all $ε > 0$, there is some
    compact subset $K$ of $X$ such that $μ(X – K) < ε$.

Wikipedia says that a measure is inner regular iff it is tight.
I was wondering why? Is it still true when the topological space $X$ is not necessarily Hausdorff? References are also appreciated!

Thanks and regards!

Best Answer

Wikipedia is wrong because its definition of a tight measure as "for all ε>0, there is some compact subset K of X such that μ(X−K)<ε" fails to note that the measure must be a probability (or totally finite) measure. (Parthasarathy, 1967, Probability Measures on Metric Spaces, p. 26, fn 1.) Otherwise, a measure μ is said to be tight, if for every set A∈Σ, μ(A)=sup{μ(K)| compact K⊆A} and inner regular, if for every set A∈Σ, μ(A)=sup{μ(F)| F closed and F⊆A}.

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