[Math] inducing a linear map on quotient spaces

linear algebra

Suppose $U$ is a subspace of $V$ invariant under a linear transformation $T :
V \to V$ Prove that $T$ induces a linear map $B:V/U \to V/U$ of quotients
given by $B(v + U) = T(v) + U$. Prove that the minimal polynomial of $B$
divides the minimal polynomial of $T$.

I've been looking at quotient vector spaces recently and came across this problem. I don't really understand how to begin so could somebody please help me out with a solution.

Best Answer

We begin by noting that for vector spaces $X,Y$, a subspace $S \subset X$ and a linear map $F \colon X \to Y$, we have an induced map

$$\tilde{F} \colon X/S \to Y$$

that satisfies $\tilde{F}(x+S) = F(x)$ for all $x\in X$ if and only if $S \subset \ker F$. [prove it, or cite a theorem]

Then we apply the above to the situation $S = U$, $X = V$, and $Y = V/U$, with $F = \pi\circ T$, where $\pi \colon V \to V/U$ is the canonical projection.

For the remaining part, note that $\widetilde{\pi\circ p(T)} = p(\widetilde{\pi\circ T}) = p(B)$ for all polynomials $p\in K[X]$. [prove it, or cite a theorem]

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