[Math] Induced map on spectra of rings


Let $B$ be a ring containing $A$, and the ring extension is integral. Furthermore, $B$ is a finitely generated $A$-algebra. Then how to show that the induced map on spectra of the rings is a finite map, i.e., inverse image of finite sets is finite.

Best Answer

The fiber under $\text{Spec} (B)\to \text{Spec} (A)$ of a point $P=[\mathfrak p]\in \text{Spec} (A)$ is the spectrum of the ring $R=B\otimes_A \kappa (P)$, where $\kappa (P)=\text {Frac}\:(A/\mathfrak p)$.
Since finiteness of modules is preserved under base change, the algebra $R$ is finite as a module over the field $\kappa (P)$ (in other words is finite-dimensional!) and thus has finite spectrum by the following result which I will display for future reference :

An algebra $R$ of finite dimension over a field $k$ has only finitely many prime ideals and these prime ideals are all maximal.
Given a prime $\mathfrak m\subset R$ the quotient $R/\mathfrak m$ is necessarily a field, so that $\mathfrak m$ is maximal.
The Chinese remainder theorem applied to the surjective morphism $R\twoheadrightarrow \prod_{\mathfrak m} R/\mathfrak m$ (where we take finitely many maximal ideals $\mathfrak m$) immediately implies that the number of those maximal ideals is finite and $\leq [R:k]$.

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