[Math] Index notation for inverse matrices

linear algebranotationtensors

I have a question: There is an standard way to write the inverse of a matrix in index notation?.

The reason is that I don't want to write $(A^{-1})_{ij}$ or $(A^{-1})_i^j$ or $(A^{-1})^{ij}$ using the exponent $^{-1}$.

I working with a one-covariariant one-contravariant tensor with components $A_i^j$ and I only need to write the expression $y^i (A^{-1})^j_i=x^j$ without the exponent $^{-1}$.

Best Answer

There are two standard ways to index an element in a matrix.

First. If you note the matrix with uppercase letters from the beginning of the english alphabet, then you can use the lowercase version of the letter while indexing. For example the matrix is $A$ and the element in the $i$-th row and $j$-th column is $a_{ij}$. Or for $B$ you use $b_{ij}$. Etc. More at wikipedia about it.

Second. If the matrix is a most difficult expression, for example the Hadamard product if $A$ and $B$ matrices, and you note the Hadamard product with $\circ$. Then I prefer $[A \circ B]_{ij}$ notation. Some author also use the $\sideset{_i}{_j}{[A \circ B]}$ notation. It is also works for inverses of course: $[A^{-1}]_{ij}$.

Each way work with comma between indexes. As @Semiclassical wrote that, it is also a solution, that if the expression is very complex define an alternate variable.

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