Proof by Induction – What If P(n) or Base Cases Are False?


The principle of mathematical induction works basically because of the following:

If we have a predicate $P(n)$, then if we have:

P(0) is true, and

P(n) $\implies$ P(n+1) for all nonnegative integers n,


P(m) is true for all nonnegative integers, m.

However, I was concerned what if $P(n)$ is false or what if the base cases were false, what that would mean about $P(n+1)$.

I think I know the answer to my question but I wanted to check the answer with the community.

Say that we know $P(n_0)$ is false. Thus, the implication $P(n_0) \implies P(n_0+1)$ is true vacuously (from the definition of implies). However, our goal in induction is to establish the truth about some implication $P(n)$ for as many n as we can. However, since $P(n_0)$ is false, then from the truth table of an implication $P(n_0) \implies P(n_0 + 1)$ remains true regardless of the truth value of $P(n_0 + 1)$. Thus, even though the implication is true, we are unable to conclude anything about $P(n_0+1)$ (or any other value of n > n_0) because $P(n_0 + 1)$ might be either true or false. The goal was to establish the truth about $P(n_0+1)$, but since we can't establish which fact is true it (about $P(n_0+1)$), then we cannot continue reasoning about values of $n \geq n_0 + 1$.

Is this correct? Is this why if we have a false statement we cannot have a proof by induction that proceeds correctly? Related to this question, if we find a case were $P(n_0) = False$ but then $P(n_1) = True$ for $n_1 > n_0$, can we still hope to show $P(n_0)$ for $n > n_0$? What about the other way round, if $P(n_0) = True$ but then $P(n_1) = False$, $n_1 > n_0$? Can we still hope induction to help us deduce anything meaningful?

Best Answer

If $P(n_0)$ is false then the implication $P(n_0) \implies P(n_0+1)$ is true (vacuously, as you've pointed out), however, we cannot deduce the truth or otherwise of $P(n_0+1)$ in this case.

The hardest part in a proof by induction is proving $P(n) \implies P(n+1).$ If you've proved this, then all you have to do is find a suitable $n_0$ such that $P(n_0)$ is true. If $P(n_0)$ is false, but $P(n) \implies P(n+1)$, then pick a different value for $n_0$ (assuming that one exists). If you can find just one such $n_0$ (and if you've proved that $ \forall n, P(n) \implies P(n+1)$, then $P(n)$ is true for all $n \geqslant n_0$, by the principle of mathematical induction.

In this case, pick a different value of $n_0$ until $P(n_0)$ is true.

Regarding your last sentence, if $P(n_0)$ is true and $P(n) \implies P(n+1)$, then, by the property of implication, $P(n_0+1)$ is true, as is $P(n_0+2), P(n_0+3), ...$, so you'd never have $P(n_1)$ being false (for any $n_1 \geqslant n_0$)!