[Math] In polar coordinates, is the radial vector direction undefined


If I specify a radial vector R in cylindrical or polar coordinates, the direction is undefined, unlike an x or y vector, where the direction is fixed.

How would I specify $\vec{x} + \vec{y}$ in polar coordinates? Would I just say $\vec{r}$? How do I specify the angle in conjunction with the radius in terms of elementary operations?

Best Answer

In polar coordinates $(\rho,\phi)$ we write the radial vector

$$\vec r=\hat xx+\hat yy=\hat \rho \rho$$

In spherical coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$, we have

$$\vec r=\hat rr$$

The directions are embedded in the unit vectors $\hat \rho=\hat x\cos(\phi)+\hat y\sin(\phi)$ and $\hat r=\hat x\sin(\theta)\cos(\phi)+\hat y\sin(\theta)\sin(\phi)+\hat z\cos(\theta)$. So, if we wish to be more explicit, we can write in polar coordinates

$$\vec r=\hat \rho(\phi)\rho \tag 1$$

and in spherical coordinates

$$\vec r =\hat r(\theta,\phi)r \tag 2$$

where in $(1)$, we see the functional dependence on $\phi$ appear in the unit vector $\hat \rho$ and in $(2)$ we see the functional dependence on $\theta$ and $\phi$ appear in the unit vector $ \hat r$.