[Math] In how many ways you can paint 14 rooms, if you have two types of paint: red and blue


In how many ways you can paint 14 rooms, if you have two types of paint: red and blue? (Mixing the paint together is not allowed).

$2^{14} = 16384$ ways

I'm not sure if this correct because I started to think that I can paint each wall a different color which is different then $2^{14} = 16384$, because $2^{14}$ only tells me how many ways I can paint a 14 rooms either red or blue.

Best Answer

It is a interpretation problem, my advice is to go to the simplest. Imagine the subject allow you to paint each wall with different color, the how many walls have the room ? some have 6 or more walls. It does not seems logic. If it is not precised assumed it is not asked.

The simplest is considering you can paint the rooms with only one color each. That way, you have 2 choice for the first, times 2 choice for the second etc. i.e. $$2\times2\times2...\times2=2^{14}$$

Have a nice day.