[Math] In how many ways may 8 people form a circle for a folk dance


So this was a worksheet on Permutations and Combinations that you can find online, which fortunately also provides the answers. However, I am concerned because the answer provided in class is different from the online key. Here is the question:

  • In how many ways may 8 people form a circle for a folk dance?

For this question, can't you just factorial 8, which would be 40320 ? The student assistant in my class says that the order of the circle does not matter.

However, on the online key, the answer is ((8!)/(8))= 7! = 5040. Can someone explain how this is so?

Best Answer

It would be $8!$ if it were a line of people, but a circle means there's no defined "start point" like there is with the line.

Since there are $8$ ways to "start" the circle, there are $\frac{8!}{8} = 7!$ ways to create a unique circle of people in terms of relative ordering (i.e. where rotations do not matter).

See also: MathWorld: Circular Permutation