Combinatorics – How Many Ways if No Two People of the Same Sex Sit Together?



In how many ways if no two people of the same sex are allowed to sit together if there are $3$ boys and $3$ girls?

My Approach

I found out all possible seats of the girls after fixing boy's seat
After fixing boy's seat I have $\binom{4}{3}$ ways to select possible seat for girls.

After seat has been allocated to both boys and girls
there are $3!$ ways for girls to change seat among themselves
and $3!$ ways for boys to change seat among themselves.

Total number of ways is $\binom{4}{3}\cdot 3!\cdot 3!=144$,
but the answer is given as $72$.

Where am I wrong? Please help me out! Thanks!

Best Answer

I guess you are considering $6$ seats in a row. We can start with a boy or a girl and then sex is alternated i.e. $BGBGBG$ or $GBGBGB$ (2 ways). We have $3!$ ways to arrange the boys and $3!$ ways to arrange the girls. Hence the total number of ways is $$2\cdot 3!\cdot 3!=72.$$