Combinatorics – Permutations of Alphabet Without CAR, DOG, PUN, BYTE


Im using the principle on inclusion and exclusion to solve this
There are 4 cases C1,C2,C3 ,C4 respectively

So taking the case where CAR DOG and BYTE comes together


But in my book its given as 19!.
This is my explanation Taking CAR,DOG AND BYTE together total 10 letters
so (26-10)!=16!

These letters are considered as one word so (16+1)!=17!

But there will be 3 inter arrangements among them so (17+3)!=20!

Where am i doing wrong?

EDIT: You need to find 26!-N(C1UC2UC3UC4)
For this i need to calculate each permutations involving the words
so my question is regarding a particular case

Best Answer

Any permutation in which all three words CAR, DOG and BYTE occur is effectively a permutation of, altogether,

  • the other $26 - 10 = 16$ letters, and

  • each of these three words effectively treated as a single unit.

Thus, it's a permutation of the $16 + 3 = 19$ units, and the number of such permutations is $19!$.

(It is hard to say what you are doing wrong, because it is hard to understand from your description what you are doing. In one place you seem to be treating the entire set of single words as a single unit – as if you're counting permutations in which the string "CARDOGBYTE" appears – and in other you consider $17 + 3$ for reasons that are not clear.)