[Math] In how many ways can $n$ toys be distributed to $n$ children so that exactly one child does not receive a toy


$n$ toys are to be distributed amongst $n$ children. The total number of ways in which these toys can be distributed so that exactly one child gets no toy is equal to?

I tried it with the concept that if one child gets no toy, then we are left with $n$ toys to be distributed amongst $n-1$ children. But this does not help and the answer is not coming.

Please somebody,can you give the detailed explanation how to solve this sum. Thanks

Best Answer

The question is stated as follows:

If $n$ $\color{red}{different}$ toys have to be distributed among $n$ children, then the total number of ways in which these toys can be distributed so that exactly one child gets no toy is equal to?

Source: link

Step 1: There are $n$ ways to choose the unlucky child.

Step 2: There are ${n\choose 2}$ ways to choose $2$ toys. Note: only 1 child can get maximum $2$ toys, otherwise more than $1$ child will get no toy.

Step 3: There are $n-1$ ways to choose the luckiest child, who will get the $2$ toys.

Step 4: There are $(n-2)!$ ways to distribute the rest $n-2$ toys to the rest $n-2$ children.

Hence: $$n\cdot {n\choose 2}\cdot (n-1)\cdot (n-2)!=n!{n\choose 2}.$$