[Math] In how many ways can a number be written as a product of two different factors


In how many ways can a number be written as a product of two different


FOR EXAMPLE:Let the number be $8100$=$2^23^45^2$.

Number of divisors = $(2+1)(4+1)(2+1) = 45$

The divisors can be written as product of two numbers like.

$1 \times 8100$

$2 \times 4050$

$3 \times 2700$

$4 \times 2025$

$5 \times 1620$




$8100 \times 1$

Due to repetition a top-bottom symmetry can be observed.Hence the actual number of ways of representing as a product should be


Is my approach correct?Can someone please verify whether my argument that the final answer should be $\frac{45+1}{2}$ is valid?

EDIT:As @mathlove pointed out we need to subtract 1 as $90*90$ is not allowed as the question asks for different factors.Final result $\frac{45-1}{2}=22$.

Best Answer

You are almost right. As already observed in the comments, note that, calling $k_1, k_2, k_3... $ the exponents of each prime number in the factorization, if your final product $(k_1+1)(k_2+1)(k_3+1)... $ is odd, then this means that all exponents are even and so the number is a perfect square. In this case, to find the total nunber of ways to express the number as a product of two factors (regardless of whether these two factors are equal or different) you would have to add $ 1$ to your final product and divide to 2, since the symmetric distributions of the prime numbers in two factors $a \cdot b $ include one where $a=b $. For example, for $36= 2^2 \cdot 3^2$, we have $3 \cdot 3=9$ "total" divisors ($1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36$) but $5$ ways to express $36$ as a product of two factors ($36 \cdot 1, 18 \cdot 2, 12 \cdot 3, 9 \cdot 4, 6 \cdot 6$).
So if the question talks about two "different" factors, you have to subtract 1 and divide to 2 (in this example we have to exclude the product $6 \cdot 6$).

In contrast, if the final product is even, then the number is not a perfect square and so you only have to divide to 2.