Abstract Algebra – Nilradical and Jacobson Radical in Finitely Generated k-Algebra


I was solving an exercise in Vakil's notes Foundations of Algebraic Geometry 3.6.K, and eventually proved the following statement:

Let $\mathscr{A}$ be a finitely generated $k$-algebra, where $k$ is any field. Then $\mathscr{N}(\mathscr{A}) = 0\iff \mathscr{R}(\mathscr{A}) = 0$. (All $k$-algebras are commutative here.)

Here is my proof for the hard direction:

Let $0\ne f\in \mathscr{A}$, then $D(f) = \{P \in Spec \mathscr{A}: f\not\in P\}\ne \varnothing$ since $\mathscr{N}(\mathscr{A})= 0$. By Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, if $\mathscr{A}$ is a finitely generated $k$-algebra, any non-empty basic open set $D(f)$ contains a closed point $M$. We conclude that $f\not\in M$.

Does this look correct? Can someone please point to me where this is covered in Eisenbud's Commutative Algebra? And is this statement equivalent to Nullstellensatz?

Best Answer

This statement is much easier than the Nullstellensatz, and admits a straightforward direct proof.

The key point is that a finite dim'l algebra over $k$ is a domain iff it is a field.

This shows that in a finite dim'l algebra over a field, an ideal is prime iff it is maximal.

This in turn shows that for finite dim'l algebras over a field, the nilradical and Jacobson radical coincide.

The Nullstellensatz is much deeper: it involves showing that a finite type algebra over $k$ that is a field is in fact finite dim'l over $k$. In your setting of finite dim'l algs. over a field, finite dimensionality is automatic; you don't need to apply the Nullstellensatz to get it.

Added: This answered an earlier version of the question, which had a typo. See the comments for a discussion and clarification in light of the revised question.