[Math] In a finite cyclic group there is only one subgroup of order $k$.


If $G$ is a cyclic group of order $n$ and $k|n$, then $G$ has a subgroup of order $k$, it's easy to prove, but what I'm having troubles to show is there is only one subgroup of order $k$.

I need help here

Thanks a lot

Best Answer

Consider the epimorphism $f\colon\mathbb Z\to G$ given by sending $1$ to a chosen generator of $G$. Then $\ker f=n\mathbb Z$. Show that for $H<G$ we have $f^{-1}(H)=m\mathbb Z$ (as that's how subgroups of $\mathbb Z$ look like) for some $0<m|n$ and that necessarily $m=[G:H]$.