[Math] In a double summation, can the range of the outer sum depend on the index variable of the inner sum


Given this summation:$$\sum_{1\le y\le x\le 3}2x+y=\sum_{x=1}^3\sum_{y=1}^x2x+y=\sum_{y=1}^3\sum_{x=y}^32x+y$$Am I allowed to write the summation as:$$\sum_{y=1}^x\sum_{x=1}^32x+y\space\space?$$

Basically, my question is: In a double summation, can the range of the outer sum depend on the index variable of the inner sum?

Best Answer

No, the index variable can only appear inside the sum that uses this index variable.

A sum such as $\displaystyle\sum_{x=1}^3 (2x+y)$ represents a quantity that does not depend on any object named $x$. This sum is the same as $\displaystyle\sum_{b=1}^3 (2b+y)$ or $(2+y)+(4+y)+(6+y)$. It depends on the value of $y$ because $y$ is not the sum index.

Edit: The rule is that $$\sum_{x}\sum_{y} q(x, y) = \sum_{x}\left(\sum_{y} q(x, y)\right)$$ If we take your last expression it would be $$\eqalign{\sum_{y=1}^x \sum_{x=1}^3 (2x+y) &= \sum_{y=1}^x \left(\sum_{x=1}^3 (2x+y)\right)\cr &= \sum_{y=1}^x \big((2+y)+(4+y)+(6+y)\big)\cr &= \sum_{y=1}^x (12+3y) }$$ But now we have an undefined quantity $x$ in the bounds of the sum. It is meaningless.