[Math] Infinite dimensional polynomial vector space proof

linear algebrapolynomialsproof-verificationvector-spaces

So the question asks: Consider the vector space $\Bbb R[X]$ of all polynomials with real coefficients, and let $r$ be a fixed real number. Prove that the set
$I(r) = \{f(X) ∈ \Bbb R[X] \mid f(r) = 0\}$ is an infinite-dimensional vector subspace of $R[X]$.

So so far I have:

Suppose $I(r) = \{f(X) ∈ \Bbb R[X] \mid f(r) = 0\}$ is a finite-dimensional vector subspace with $f_1,\ldots,f_n$ as the basis.

Let $N$ be the maximum of the degrees of the polynomials $f_1,\ldots,f_n$.

Then all linear combinations of $f_1,\ldots,f_n$ are in $I(r)$, the space of polynomials of degree $≤ N$.

Then any polynomial of higher degree, such as $f(x) = x^{N+1}$ will not be in the span of $f_1,\ldots,f_n$, which contradicts the facts that the vector space $R[X]$ contains all polynomials with real coefficients.

So prove by contradiction that $I(r) = \{f(X) ∈ \Bbb R[X] \mid f(r) = 0\}$ is an infinite-dimensional vector subspace of $R[X]$.

I feel that I "stated" too much but did not write enough "math stuff". Does this proof look alright?

Best Answer

Your proof is very fine, you need not worry about it (but you probably meant $(x-r)^{N+1}$ there). A quicker proof, though, would be to notice that $\{(x-r)^n\}_{n \geq 1}$ is linearly independent. If $I(r)$ contains an infinite linearly independent set, then $I(r)$ can't have finite dimension.

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