[Math] Important applications of the Uniform Boundedness Principle


There's like three applications of the uniform boundedness principle in wikipedia:

1) If a sequence of bounded operators converges pointwise to an operator, then the limit operator is also bounded, and the convergence is uniform on compact sets.

2) Any weakly bounded subset of a normed space is bounded.

3) A result in pointwise convergence of Fourier series.

I am just asking if there's more interesting applications of the uniform boundedness principle.

Best Answer

Let $f\in L^{p}(\mathbb{T})$, for some $1\leq p<\infty$, where $\mathbb{T}$ denotes the one-dimensional torus. Let $(a_{m})_{m\in\mathbb{Z}}$ be a bounded complex sequence. For $R\geq 0$, let $(a_{m}(R))_{m=1}^{\infty}$ be a compactly supported sequence such that $a_{m}(R)=a_{m}$ for all $\left|m\right|\leq R$. Define $$S_{R}(f)(x):=\sum_{m\in\mathbb{Z}}a_{m}(R)\widehat{f}(m)e^{2\pi im\cdot x},\ \forall x\in\mathbb{T}$$ For each $R$, the above expressions defines an operator $L^{p}\rightarrow L^{p}$ that maps a function $f$ to the $\lfloor{R}\rfloor^{th}$ symmetric partial sum of its Fourier series.

Using, in part, a simple application of the Uniform Boundedness Principle, we can turn the question of $L^{p}$ convergence of $S_{R}(f)$ to $f$ as $R\rightarrow\infty$, for arbitrary $f\in L^{p}$, into a question of the uniform boundedness of the operators $S_{R}$, $R\geq 0$.