[Math] Implicit differentiation of $\sin(x)=x(1+\tan(y))$


I do most of my studying independently either before I take the class to get ahead or after in order to fix trouble areas. Right now I'm trying to review Single Variable Calculus. Anyway, I ran into a road block this weekend.

Find $dy/dx$ through implicit differentiation:
$$ \sin (x)=x(1+\tan(y)) $$

My solution
\frac{d}{dx}[\sin (x)]&=\frac{d}{dx}[x(1+\tan(y))]\tag{1}\\
\cos(x)&=(1)(1+ \tan(y))+x(1+\tan(y))^{-1}(\sec^{2}(y))\frac{dy}{dx}\tag{2}\\
\cos(x)&=(1+ \tan(y))+\frac{x(\sec^{2}(y))}{1+\tan(y)}\frac{dy}{dx}\tag{3}\\
\cos(x)-(1+ \tan(y))&=\frac{x(\sec^{2}(y))}{1+\tan(y)}\frac{dy}{dx}\tag{4}\\
\frac{dy}{dx}&=\frac{(\cos(x)-1- \tan(y))(1+\tan(y))}{x(\sec^{2}(y))}\tag{5}

Solution from manual I'm using
\sin (x)&=x(1+\tan(y))\tag{6}\\
\cos(x) &= x(sec^{2}(y))y' + (1+\tan(y))(1)\tag{7}\\

The disagreement seems to lie with steps 2 & 7. Any help figuring out why this disagreement exists would be good. Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

Your step (2) is incorrect; the product rule states that

$$\begin{align} \frac{d}{dx} x (1 + \tan y) &= \frac{d(x)}{dx} (1 + \tan{y}) + x \frac{d(1 + \tan{y})}{dx}\\\\ &= (1 + \tan{y}) + x \left(0 + \sec^2{y} \frac{dy}{dx}\right) \end{align}$$

Where did the $(1 + \tan{y})^{-1}$ term come from?

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