[Math] image of continuous function is compact and connected.


Let $X$ be a topological space such that image of any continuous function $f:X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is compact,connected,dense, can we say that $X$ is compact and connected,dense too?
Is my question makes any sense?I was just trying to think converses of our known statements like : continuous map sends compact to compact and connected to connected, dense to dense!
Thank you!

Best Answer

As noted the dense issue does not make sense.

As for connectedness and compactness:

If the image of any continuos $f:X\to \mathbb {R}$ is connected then $X$ must be connected too since if $X$ is disconnected, say it is the disjoint union of opens $U$ and $V$ then the function mapping $U$ to 0 and $V$ to 1 is continuous with a disconnected image. Clearly, the codomain here being $\mathbb {R}$ can be replaced by any topological space with at least two separable points.

If the image of any continuos $f:X\to \mathbb {R}$ is compact then $X$ need not be compact. Take $X=\mathbb {N}$ with the topology generated by the opens $[0,n]=\{0,1,2,\cdots , n\}$ for all $n\in \mathbb {N}$. $X$ is not compact since the infinite cover $\{[0,n]\mid n\in \mathbb {N}\}$ admits no finite subcover. However, every continuous $f:X\to \mathbb {R}$ is constant, and thus has compact image. To see that notice that for every open $U$ in $X$ if $k\in U$ then $n\in U$ for all $n\le k$. In particular no two non-empty open subsets are disjoint. Now, if $f$ were not constant, say $x,y$ with $x\ne y$ would be in its image then since $x,y$ can be separated by disjoint opens in $\mathbb {R}$ the inverse image of of these opens would have to be non-empty and disjoint. A contradiction.

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