[Math] If $z$ and $w$ are complex numbers can we use the proof in $\mathbb{R}$ to demonstrate that $|z w|=|z||w|$

absolute valuecomplex numbers

If yes could you explain why? Sorry if the question is trivial but I'm new to complex numbers and I see lots of examples where properties of real numbers are used in complex without to prove it . This really surprise me since complex numbers are a superset of real numbers. For example I saw in my book $z*1=z$ in $ \mathbb{C} $
I had to make the complex multiplication to be sure that it was true, because this 1 is in $\mathbb{C} $ (1,0)

Best Answer

First note that, for $z=a+ib$ we have $z\overline{z}=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}=|z|^2$ and also $\overline{z_1z_2}=\overline{z_1}\,\overline{z_2}.$

Therefore, $|zw|^2=(zw)\overline{zw}=zw\overline{z}\,\overline{w}=z\overline{z}w\overline{w}=|z|^2|w|^2.$ This implies $|zw|=|z||w|.$