[Math] If you have 4 blue balls and 5 red balls, in how many ways can you form a group of 5 balls that must contain at least 2 red balls

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

I thought of doing it this way:
Since there will be four cases, we just consider each one and then just add the results up in the end.
Case 1: You have exactly $2$ red balls and $3$ blue balls. The number of groups is $P(5,2) \cdot P(4, 3)= 480$.
Case 2: You have exactly $3$ red balls and $2$ blue balls. The number of groups is $P(5,3) \cdot P(4, 2)=720$.
Case 3: You have exactly $4$ red balls and $1$ blue ball. The number of groups is $P(5,4) \cdot P(4, 1)=480$.
Case 4: You have $5$ red balls and no blue balls. You only have one possible group.
Adding up all the results, you get 1201 possible groups. Order doesn't matter here. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

The order of the balls does not matter when choosing the balls in the problem, so you should be using combinations instead of permutations when solving the problem. Thus, the correct answer should be $$C(5,2)C(4,3)+C(5,3)C(4,2)+C(5,4)C(4,1)+C(5,5)C(4,0)=121$$.