General Topology – Open Sets in Topological Separable Spaces


I am studying some real analysis (I am in the part before defining
Borel's $\sigma$-algebra) and there is a reminder in my lecture notes
that states that if $X$ is a separable metric space then every open
set is a union of a countable number of open balls (where separable
is defined as having a countable dense subset).

Can we remove the requirement that $X$ is metric ?

To be honest,
I don't really know the proof even with requiring that $X$ is metric,
I guess that we move from any union to a countable union by using
somehow the fact that every open ball have an element in the dense
set, this is what also led me to believe that the claim doesn't have
much to do with $X$ being metric.

So there are two questions here, is it true for any topological space
and how can we prove this claim ?

Best Answer

For the proof, consider a point $x$ in an open subset $U$, then there is a ball $B_\epsilon$ around it $\subseteq U$, then look at a smaller ball around $x$, $B_{\epsilon/2}$, choose a point $d$ in $B_{\epsilon/2}\cap D$ where $D$ is the countable dense set, then consider $B_{\epsilon/2}(d)$, it contains $x$.

And one more trick, choose $\epsilon\in\Bbb Q$.

It seems this proof could be generalized to a kind of generalized metric space in the sense that the space of distances, $\Bbb R$ is replaced to something else (I guess something like topological cancellable commutative semigroup), but still having a countable dense subset.