[Math] If we have a full rank positive semi-definite symmetric matrix, will any square partition be full rank as well

linear algebrastatistics

Suppose we have a matrix of $n$ by $n$ dimension $M$ is that is full rank, symmetric, and positive semi-definite, in that $z^TMz \geq 0$ for all $z \in \mathbb{R}^p$. This can be thought of as a covariance matrix in statistics. If I were to take a square partition, would that square partition still be full rank? In example, suppose that:

M = \begin{pmatrix}
a_{11} \ldots a_{1n}\\
a_{n1} \ldots a_{nn}\\

Then a square partition might be:

M_{33} = \begin{pmatrix}
a_{33} \ldots a_{3n}\\
a_{n3} \ldots a_{nn}\\

Where I took the bottom right side of the original matrix $M$. Would this be full-rank as well?

Best Answer

Short answer: yes.

One easily proves this by constructing vectors $v$ with zeros in the right places so that $v'Mv \gt 0$ proves the desired "square partition" is itself positive definite.

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