[Math] If $u,v$ are harmonic and satisfy C-R on a set with a limit point, must $u +iv$ be analytic


Let $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ be a domain, and suppose that $u,v$ are real-valued harmonic functions defined on $\Omega$. Furthermore, let $W \subseteq \Omega$ be the set on which $u,v$ satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations.

If $W$ has a limit point in $\Omega$, does that mean that $u + iv$ is an analytic function on $\Omega$?

This problem appears on an old complex analysis qualifying exam. My hunch is that the answer is no. The counterexample I'm trying to construct is as follows: we take $\Omega =$ some annulus about the origin, and then look at $ u(x,y) = \ln|z| = \ln(x^2 + y^2)$ and $ v(x,y) = \operatorname{Arg} z$ as harmonic functions on this annulus. The catch would be that $\ln|z|$ and $\operatorname{Arg} z$ satisfy the C-R equations everywhere on this annulus, but $\ln|z| + i \operatorname{Arg} z$ cannot be analytic on the full annulus.

The only trouble I'm having is that I cannot see how to define $\operatorname{Arg} z$ as an harmonic function on the full annulus $\Omega$. I have tried messing around with the formula $\operatorname{Arg} z = \arctan (\frac{x}{y}),$ but of course this formula runs into trouble where $y = 0$. So perhaps the statement is true and $u + iv$ must be analytic?

Hints or solutions are greatly appreciated

Best Answer

It seems that $u + iv$ must be analytic. The harmonicity of $u$ and $v$ ensures that $f= u_x - iu_y$,$ g= v_y + iv_x$ are analytic on $\Omega$ (one can check that these two functions satisfy the C-R equations). Since $f$ and $g$ agree on a set with a limit point, they must agree on all of $\Omega$, hence $u$ and $v$ satisfy the C-R equations on all of $\Omega$. So, indeed, $u + iv$ is analytic on all of $\Omega$.