General Topology – Are Topological Spaces with Same Properties Homeomorphic?


Topological properties are investigated because we can show that two spaces are not homeomorphic by finding one property that holds in one space but not the other. But what if no topological property can distinguish two topological spaces? So I ask:

If two topological spaces have the same topological properties, must they be homeomorphic?

Edit: I don't really have any particular class of topological properties in mind, because what I am thinking is really every single topological property, whenever it is well-defined for a topological space. I just didn't know that the class of topological properties is so large, that even "homeomorphic to a space $X$" is itself a topological property, making my question trivial.

Best Answer

Well, it usually goes the other way. A property $P$ of a topological space $X$ is deserved to be called topological if $P(X)$ holds if and only if $P(Y)$ holds whenever $X$ and $Y$ are homeomorphic. An example of a topological property is "$X$ is connected" while an example of a non-topological property is "$X$ is a subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$. The latter can be upgraded to a topological property by requiring instead "$X$ can be embedded in $\mathbb{R}^n$".

With this convention, given a topological space $X$ there is a smart-ass topological property one can define using $X$: "$P(Z)$ holds iff $Z$ is homeomorphic to $X$". Since homeomorphism is an equivalence relation, this is indeed a topological property and clearly $X$ satisfies $P$. If $Y$ is another space that satisfies the same topological properties as $X$, then $P(Y)$ must hold and so $X$ and $Y$ are homeomorphic.

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