[Math] If two Normal operators commute then the product is normal

linear algebra

Let $T$ and $S$ be two normal operators in a infinite dimensional inner-product complex vector space. If $ST=TS$, I want to show that $TS$ is normal.

For the finite-dimensional case, it went down to showing $T^*=f(T)$ for some polynomial $f$. But I have no clue on what to do on the infinite dimensional case.
This is an exercise of Hoffman's Linear Algebra.

Best Answer

You can use Fuglede's theorem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuglede%27s_theorem which ensures, in your case that $ST^*=T^*S$ and $S^*T=ST^*$.

In view of the facts that $(TS)^*=S^*T^*$, $SS^*=S^*S$ and $TT^*=T^*T$, the conclusion follows by easy computations: $$ TS(TS)^*=T(SS^*)T^*=(TS^*)ST^*=S^*T(ST^*)=S^*(TT^*)S=(S^*T^*)TS=(TS)^*TS $$

The property is not longer true in the unbounded case. You can follow the paper "M. H. Mortad, On the closedness, the self-adjointness and the normality of the product of two unbounded operators, Demonstratio Math., 45 (2012), 161-167" for an example. It is also stated there that the normality of $TS$ is valid when, in addition, $S$ (or $T$) is unitary.