[Math] If two maps induce the same homomorphism on the fundamental group, then they are homotopic


This is exercise 15.11(d) in C. Kosniowsky book A first course in algebraic topology:

Prove that two continuous mappings $\varphi,\ \psi:X\to Y$, with $\varphi(x_0)=\psi(x_0)$ for some point $x_0\in X$, induce the same homomorphism from $\pi(X,x_0)$ to $\pi(Y,\varphi(x_0))$ if $\varphi$ and $\psi$ are homotopic relative to $x_0$.

Which is easy to solve. We were asked to prove the converse but, is it true to begin with? If so, is it an standar exercise or thought one?

Best Answer

Hint: Consider $\phi\colon S^2\to S^2$ the identity map.