[Math] If totally disconnectedness does not imply the discrete topology, then what is wrong with the argument


Assume that $X$ is a totally disconnected space. Then every two-point set is disconnected, which implies that every singleton is open in the topology of $X$ (because the one-point subsets of two-point sets form a separation). Isn't the collection of those singletons a basis for the discrete topology? So isn't the topology discrete?

Best Answer

Note that being totally disconnected means that the only connected nonempty subsets are the singletons. To see that, for example, $\{ a , b \}$ is not connected, it suffices to find open subsets $U , V \subseteq X$ with the following properties:

  1. $U \cap \{ a,b \} = \{ a \}$;
  2. $V \cap \{ a,b \} = \{ b \}$;

This would not imply, however, that either $\{ a \}$ are $\{ b \}$ are open subsets of $X$. This only means that $\{ a \}$ and $\{ b \}$ are open subsets of the subspace $\{ a,b \}$ of $X$.

To give more details with regards to an actual example, consider the rationals $\mathbb{Q}$ as a subspace of the real line. Given any subset $A \subseteq \mathbb{Q}$ of size $> 1$ pick $p,q \in A$ with $p < q$. Then there is an irrational number $x$ such that $p < x < q$. Note that $U = ( - \infty , x ) \cap \mathbb{Q}$ and $V = ( x , + \infty ) \cap \mathbb{Q}$ are open subsets of $\mathbb{Q}$ which have the following properties:

  1. $U \cap A \neq \emptyset \neq V \cap A$;
  2. $A \subseteq U \cap V$; and
  3. $( U \cap V ) \cap A = \emptyset$.

This demonstrates that $A$ cannot be a connected subset of $\mathbb{Q}$; and in general, the only nonempty connected subsets of $\mathbb{Q}$ are the singletons.

Note, however all nonempty open subsets of $\mathbb{Q}$ are infinite.