[Math] If there are more edges than vertices in a connected graph then there is a cycle in the graph

graph theory

I have a simple question and probably stupid in graph theory:

Prove that if there are more edges than vertices in a connected graph then there is a cycle:

Let $G=(V,E)$ a connected graph,where $|V| \le |E|$.Prove that there is a cycle in the graph.

How can I prove that?

Best Answer

Consider a vertex of minimal degree. If the degree was $1$, then we're done by induction if we remove that vertex. Otherwise, the minimal degree in the graph is at least $2$. Take a longest path $v_0 v_1 \dots v_k$; then $v_0$ has degree $2$ or higher, so the only way this can be a longest path is if $v_0$ is connected to some other $v_i$ than $v_1$. (If not, if $v_0$ is connected to $x$ which is not a $v_i$, then we could extend the path by adding $x$.) So we have found a cycle.

Why is there a longest path? There is certainly a path of length $1$ (pick any vertex!). There are only finitely many paths, since there are only $|V|$ vertices. So we can just list the paths, and their lengths; at least one of them will have longest length (because every finite set has a maximum).

Question for you: where have we used that the graph was connected?

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