[Math] If the solution sets of two linear equations are equal, then the equations are identical.

linear algebraproof-verification

Show that if the linear equations

$$x_1 +kx_2 = c \tag{1}$$


$$x_1+lx_2 = d \tag{2}$$

have the same solution set, then the equations are identical.

I attempted this beforehand, but a user pointed out a logical flaw with the proof. Here is my new attempt.

We wish to show that $c=d$ and $k=l$.

We note that the solution sets of each of the equations are nonempty, because we can find two points that satisfy their respective equations, as expressed below.

Clearly the point $(c-kc,c)$ satisfies $(1)$, and because the solution sets of the two equations are equal, it follows that this point also satisfies $(2)$. Substituting this point into the second equation, we have

$$d=c-kc+cl \tag{3}$$

Similarly, the point $(d-dl, d)$ satisfies $(1)$, so we substitute this point into the equation and solve for $d$ to get

$$d=c+dl-dk \tag{4}$$

Equating $(3)$ and $(4)$, we have

$$c-kc+cl = c+dl -dk $$

Simplification renders


If $c=d$, then if $x_2\neq 0$, we have

$$x_1+kx_2 = x_1+lx_2$$

from which we deduce $k=l$, so the equations are identical.

Now if $k=l$, then for all $(x_1,x_2)\in \mathbb{R}^2$,

$$x_1 + kx_2 = x_1+lx_2$$

which implies that $c=d$. Hence the equations are identical.

Therefore for all $(x_1,x_2)\in \mathbb{R}^2$, the equations $x_1+kx_2 = c$ and $x_1+lx_2=d$ are identical whenever their respective solution sets are equal.

Best Answer

A rough sketch of the proof:

Rewriting the equations as:

$$x_1 = -kx_2 + c$$ $$x_1 = -lx_2 + d$$

For $x_2 = 0$, (1) gives $x_1 = c$. The pair $(0,c)$ also satisfies (2):

$$c = 0 + d$$

$$\mathrm{or}\ c=d$$


$$x_1+kx_2=x_1+lx_2$$ $$\mathrm{or}\ k=l$$

Since $k=l$ and $c=d$, the equations are identical.