[Math] If The equation $ax^2+4xy+y^2+ax+3y+2=0$ represents a parabola then find the value of $a$.

conic sections

Problem:If The equation $ax^2+4xy+y^2+ax+3y+2=0$ represents a parabola then find the value of $a$.

My attempt-I known that in a parabola($e=1$)[where $e$ is eccentricity].So the distance of any general point on any Conic from the directrix($ax+by+c=0$) must be equal to its distance from the focus($\alpha,\beta$).That means one can write the general equation of any conic in form of-

This means that I have to somehow factorise the given equation in above form and then apply the necessary conditions for.But I haven't been able to get anything useful.

Can Anyone Help me a little bit with this? A Hint will also Suffice.

Best Answer


Expand and simplify $$(A^2+B^2)((x-\alpha)^2+(y-\beta)^2)=(Ax+By+C)^2$$ to the form $$Dx^2+Exy+Fy^2+Gx+Hy+\color{red}{2}=0$$ Then, solve the following system : $$D=a,\quad E=4,\quad F=1.$$