[Math] If $M$ is a compact, contractible $n$-manifold (with boundary) then $\partial M$ is a homology (n-1)-sphere.


This is exercise 3.3.33 in Hatcher.

Show that if $M$ is a compact contractible $n$-manifold then $\partial M$ is a homology $(n-1)$-sphere; that is, $H_i(\partial M; \mathbb{Z}) \approx H_{i}(S^{n-1}; \mathbb{Z})$ for all $i$.

I have a proof for this in the case that $M$ is orientable using Lefschetz duality. I don't know how to prove it in the case that $M$ is not orientable.

Is there some reason that a compact contractible manifold (with boundary) needs to be orientable?

If not, how should I go about proving this without orientability?

Best Answer

A manifold with boundary is defined to be orientable if $int(M) = M \setminus \partial M$ is orientable. Since simply connected manifolds are orientable, it suffices to show that $int(M)$ is simply connected.

In fact $int(M)$ is contractible. It is known that $\partial M$ has an open collar neighborhood $N$ in $M$ (see Hatcher, Proposition 3.42). Let $h : \partial M \times [0,1) \to N$ be a homeomorphism such that $h(x,0) = x$ for all $x$. Define $M' = M \setminus h(\partial M \times [0,1/2)) \subset int(M)$. This is a homeomorphic copy of $M$. But obviously $M'$ is a strong deformation retract of $int(M)$, hence $int(M) \simeq M' \simeq \ast$.

By the way, open collar neighborhoods exist for any manifold with boundary. Hatcher proves it only in the compact case.

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