Formal Languages – Prove Regularity of Square Root of Regular Language


Let $L$ be a regular language. Prove that $\sqrt{L}:=\left\{ w : ww\in L\right\}$ is also a regular language.

I suppose I need to modify state machine for $L$ to accept $\sqrt{L}$, but I've been thinking how to do that for a few hours and still don't know. I would be very grateful for help.

Best Answer

Let $\mathcal{A} = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)$ be a DFA that recognizes $L$. Define $\mathcal{A'} = (Q', \Sigma, \delta', q_0', F')$ as follows:

  • $Q'$: The set of all functions $f : Q \to Q$.
  • $\delta'(f, a) = g$ where $g(q) = f(\delta(q, a))$.
  • $q_0'$ is the identity function.
  • $F'$ is the set of all functions $f$ so that $f^2(q_0) = f(f(q_0)) \in F$ .

Let $w \in \sqrt{L}$. This means that $w^2 = ww \in L$. We want to show that $\delta'(q_0', w) \in L'$.

Define $h(q) = \delta(q, w)$. Since $w^2 \in L$, it follows that $h^2(q_0) \in F$. Hence $h \in F'$.

What's left is to show that $\delta'(q_0', w) = h$, which can be done via induction on the length of $w$.

Finally, we should show that $F'$ only accepts elements from $\sqrt{L}$ (and not more). I'll let you work this one out. It follows from the definition of $\mathcal{A'}$.