[Math] If $\ker f\subset \ker g$ where $f,g $ are non-zero linear functionals then show that $f=cg$ for some $c\in F$.

linear algebralinear-transformationsvector-spaces

Let $V$ be a vector space with $\dim V=n$ .

If $\ker f\subset \ker g$ where $f,g $ are non-zero linear functionals then show that $f=cg$ for some $c\in F$.

Now let $\mathcal B=\{v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_n\}$ be a basis of $V$,

since $f,g$ are non-zero linear functionals then $\exists v_i\in \mathcal B $ such that $g(v_i)\neq 0\implies f(v_i)\neq 0$

Take $i=1$ without any loss of generality so take $g(v_1)\neq 0,f(v_1)\neq 0$.

Now take $c=\dfrac{f(v_1)}{g(v_1)}$

Then we need to show that $(f-cg)(v_i)=0\forall i$

Now $(f-cg)(v_1)=0$

How to show that $(f-cg)(v_i)=0\forall i\ge 2$

Can someone please help?

Note::Another Question Why do we need the dimension of the vector space to be finite?

Best Answer

There is no need for finite dimensionality and no need to use bases. Let $f(x) \neq 0$, $y$ be arbitrary and consider $y-\frac {f(y)} {f(x)} x$. By linearity we get $f(y-\frac {f(y)} {f(x)} x)=0$. By hypothesis this implies $g(y-\frac {f(y)} {f(x)} x)=0$. Hence $g(y)=cf(y)$ where $c=\frac {g(x)} {f(x)}$. Hypothesis implies that $c \neq 0$ so we can write $f=\frac 1 c g$.