[Math] If $I$ is the incentre of $\triangle ABC$ and $AI$ meets the circumcircle at $D$, the prove that $DB = DC = DI$.


If $I$ is the incentre of $\triangle ABC$ and $AI$ meets the circumcircle at $D$, the prove that $DB = DC = DI$.

enter image description here

Here, I am basically trying to prove that $B$, $I$ and $C$ all lie on a circle centered at $D$. $ABCD$ is a cyclic quadrilateral so it's opposite angles must be supplementary. Also, $\angle BDC = 180 – \angle A$.

I am unable to proceed from here. Please help.


Best Answer

Let me try. We have $$\angle CID = \angle ICA + \angle IAC = \frac{\angle A}{2} + \frac{\angle C}{2}$$.

On other hand, we have $$\angle DCI = \angle DCB + \angle BCI = \angle DAB + \angle BCI = \frac{\angle A}{2} + \frac{\angle C}{2}.$$

Then, you have $\Delta DIC$ is an isosceles triangle, or $DI = DC$.

Similarly, you have $DB =DI$.

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