[Math] If I flip a nonbiased coin 13 times what is the probability that I get tails 10 times

probabilityprobability distributionsstatistics

Flipping a coin is an independent event, and has a chance of 50% of either heads or tails. So lets say that I flip a coin 13 times, what is the probability that I get 10 tails in any order/any number of possible outcomes, in 13 flips?

Edit: The probability of at least ten tails

Best Answer

Let's first find probability for exactly $10$ tails

Select any $10$ tosses: $\dbinom{13}{10}$

Each of these $10$ tosses must get tail $\left(\dfrac{1}{2}\right)^{10}$

Each of these remaining $3$ tosses must get head $\left(\dfrac{1}{2}\right)^{3}$

So, probability is


Similarly we can find probability for $11, 12, 13$ heads also.

So, required probability is
