[Math] If $H\leq G$ is of finite index, then, we have a normal subgroup $N\leq G$ of finite index.


Question is to prove that :

Let $G$ be a group with a proper subgroup $H$ of finite index. Show that $G$ has a proper normal subgroup of finite index.

what i have tried is :

Assuming $|G/H|=n< \infty$ let $G$ act on set of left cosets of $H$ in $G$ and this would give me

$\eta :G\rightarrow S_n$ a homomorphism..

As $Ker(\eta)\unlhd G$ we do have a normal subgroup of $G$.

But, this question is asked before introducing group actions.

So, another solution without group actions is what i am trying to get.

I would like somebody to check my solution and let me know if there is any possible solution with out using group actions…

we assume $G$ to be infinite group.

This is because in any group $Z(G)\unlhd G$ and the index of $Z(G)$ would be finite in "finite groups"..

Thank you.

Best Answer

Your solution is correct provided you add the easy verification that the stabiliser of the coset $eH$ in the action of $G$ on $G/H$ is $H$, so that $\ker\eta\leq H$ is a proper subgroup. If you don't want to mention group actions, you can define the morphism $\eta:G\to \operatorname{Sym}(G/H)$ explicitly. Identifying the stabilisers of the other cosets as conjugates of $H$, and $\ker\eta$ as their intersection, you get the argument in the comment by Martin Brandenberg.

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