[Math] If $G$ is simple, then $\epsilon \leq {v \choose 2}$ – Bondy/Murty – Graph Theory with Applications Page 4

alternative-proofgraph theoryproof-verification

Question: Does this proof hold? Is this a bad proof? Any nicer proofs that don't rely on other theorems?


  • $\epsilon$ – Number of edges
  • $v$ – Number of vertices
  • G – Here, any Graph

If $G$ is simple, then $\epsilon \leq {v \choose 2}$

Proof: For each simple graph we have no loops, and only one edge connecting each pair of vertices. A graph with no isolated vertices and all vertices connected to a single vertex will minimise $\frac{v}{\epsilon}$ in this case we can see:

  • $\epsilon = 1 \implies v=2$
  • $\epsilon = 2 \implies v=3$
  • $\cdot$
  • $\cdot$
  • $\epsilon = n \implies v= n+1$

So $v = \epsilon +1$ in the minimal $\frac{v}{\epsilon}$ case, and hence:

$\epsilon \leq {{\epsilon + 1} \choose 2} =\frac{(\epsilon + 1)!}{(\epsilon -1)! 2!}=\frac{(\epsilon + 1)\epsilon}{2}=\frac{\epsilon^2 + \epsilon}{2}$

$$\epsilon \leq \frac{\epsilon^2 + \epsilon}{2} $$
$$2\epsilon \leq \epsilon^2 + \epsilon$$
$$\epsilon \leq \epsilon^2$$
$$1 \leq \epsilon$$

Which is true.

Therefore, $G$ being simple implies $\epsilon \leq {v \choose 2}$

Thank you!

Best Answer

I don't really follow your argument, but it seems like you're making this much more complicated than it is. If a graph is simple, then an edge is determined by a pair of vertices. Since there are only $\binom{v}{2}$ pairs of vertices, there can be no more than $\binom{v}{2}$ edges.