[Math] If G is a graph such that $\Delta(G) = 3$ then $\chi'(G) \le 4$

coloringgraph theoryinequality

$\chi'(G)$ being the chromatic index of $G$, $\chi(G)$ its chromatic number and $\Delta(G)$ its maximum degree.

Here's the solution that I'm given, but I don't understand it:

Apply Brooks' theorem to the line graph of G.

I see how $\chi'(G) = \chi(L(G))$.

But a graph G with $\Delta(G) = 3$ can obviously have a line graph such that $\Delta(L(G)) > 3$, take for example:

Graph whose line graph has a maximum degree greater than the graph itself
Line graph of the graph

Additionally the line graph could turn out to be an odd cycle…

Any idea where to go from there?

Best Answer

You don't need to worry about odd cycles, because they can be colored with three colors and you are allowed four.

You need to justify three things:

  1. Show that the maximum possible degree is $4$ (not so bad, I think).
  2. Show that thine graph cannot be the complete graph on five vertices, i.e. that you will not get a clique (you can check by going backwards if you like).
  3. You don't care if you get an odd cycle.

The you can use Brook's theorem in all its glory.

For further information, this result is called Vizing's Theorem.