[Math] If $\frac{\cos^4\theta}{\cos^2\phi}+\frac{\sin^4\theta}{\sin^2\phi}=1$, show $\frac{\cos^4\phi}{\cos^2\theta} +\frac{\sin^4\phi}{\sin^2\theta}=1$


If $\dfrac{\cos^4\theta}{\cos^2\phi}+\dfrac{\sin^4\theta}{\sin^2\phi}=1$, prove that $\dfrac{\cos^4\phi}{\cos^2\theta} +\dfrac{\sin^4\phi}{\sin^2\theta}=1$.

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Best Answer

Hint: Let $ x = \cos \theta$, $y = \cos \phi$.

Show by expansion (and clearing denominators) that both equations are equivalent to $x^4 - 2x^2 y^2 + y^4 =0$, hence these statements are equivalent to each other.

Note: This shows that the condition is satisfied iff $x = \pm y$. This is not required, but very strongly hinted at in the question.