[Math] If every left coset of $H$ is a right coset the show that $H=aHa^{-1}$ for all a in G


$H$ is a subgroup of G.

My attempt: $ha=ah' $ for every $h\in H$, where $h'\in H$ doesn't necessarily equal to $h$. So for each $h\in H$, $h=ah'a^{-1}\in aHa^{-1}$, so $H\subseteq aHa^{-1}$. Then how to show that $aHa^{-1}\subseteq H$?(from Herstein's abstract algebra Ch.2 Sec.4 problem 8)

Best Answer

Consider $aga^{-1}$ for $g\in H$ arbitrary. Then $ag\in aH=Ha$, so $ag=g^{\prime}a$ for some $g^{\prime}\in H$. Hence, $aga^{-1}=g^{\prime}$, and we get the result you need, that $aHa^{-1}\subseteq H$.

You should realise that this all implies that the given condition implies that the subgroup $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$.

A different idea to the proof you are proposing would be to simply note the following. $$aHa^{-1}=H\Leftrightarrow aHa^{-1}a=Ha\Leftrightarrow aH=Ha$$ This is slicker, but I understand why you would not necessarily be comfortable with it.

(Small point: You write $\subseteq$, as if the things we are dealing with are just subsets. However, they are subgroups, so $\leq$ would be more appropriate. Challenge: Prove what I just said, that $aHa^{-1}\leq G$ for all $H\leq G$ and all $a\in G$.)