Abstract Algebra – Idempotent Commutators and Commutative Rings


Let $R$ be a ring and for $x,y\!\in\!R$, define the commutator as $[x,y]:=xy-yx$. An $r\!\in\!R$ is idempotent iff $r^2=r$.

How can one prove, that if every commutator is idempotent, then the whole ring is commutative, i.e. all commutators are zero?

Best Answer

This does not answer the general question, but a simple special case, which I find cute:

Suppose $R$ is a finite dimensional algebra over a field of characteristic zero. Pick $x$, $y\in R$. Since $[x,y]$ is a commutator, its action on every finite dimensional $R$-module is of trace zero; on the other hand, since $[x,y]$ is by hypothesis idempotent, its trace on a module is the dimension of its image. It follows that $[x,y]$ acts by zero on every module so, because faithful modules do exist, it must be zero.

Later. Consider the non-commutative polynomial $f(x,y)=[x,y]^2-[x,y]$, and define new polynomial $h$ by $$h(x,y)=f(x,y)-f(y,x)$$ A simple computation shows that $h(x,y)=2[x,y]$.

If we plug elements of $R$ into $f$ we get zero, so the same is true of $h$. The above observation means then that $2[x,y]=0$ for all $x$, $y\in R$. If now $2$ is invertible in $R$, or at least not a divisor of zero, then we see that $R$ is commutative.

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