[Math] If $a\sin x + b\cos(x+\theta) +b\cos(x-\theta) = d$, then what is the minimum value of $|\cos\theta|$


If $$a \sin x + b \cos(x+\theta)+ b \cos(x-\theta) = d$$
then what is the minimum value of $|\cos\theta|$?

The answer is given: $\dfrac{\sqrt{d^2 – a^2}}{2|b|}$

I tried simplifying the equation to $a \sin x + 2b \cos\theta \cos x = d$, but I am stuck here. What must I do next?

Best Answer

$$d=a\sin x+2b\cos\theta\cos x=\sqrt{a^2+(2b\cos\theta)^2}\sin\left(x+\arcsin\dfrac{2b\cos\theta}{\sqrt{a^2+(2b\cos\theta)^2}}\right)$$

As for real $y,\sin y\le1$

$$\implies d\le\sqrt{a^2+(2b\cos\theta)^2}$$

Can you square both sides & rearrange?

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