Operator Theory – If an Operator Has Only Real Eigenvalues and is Symmetric, Then It’s Self-Adjoint?

banach-algebrasfunctional-analysislinear algebraoperator-algebrasoperator-theory

I know that if an operator is self-adjoint then has Real eigenvalues but I'm not sure about the converse i.e. if it has only Real eigenvalues and is symmetric then the operator is selfadjoint. Is that true?


The difference between selfadjoint and symmetric being the definition set. Symmetric has an extension which coincide in the original domain, while a Selfadjoint operator has the same domain of definition

I define symmetric as follows.
Let be $\mathcal{A}=\left(A,\mathfrak{D}_{A}\right)$
an operator densely defined and $\mathcal{A}^{*}=\left(A^{*},\mathfrak{D}_{A^{*}}\right)$ the adjoint operator, then $\mathcal{A}$ it is called symmetric if
& & \mathfrak{D}_{A^{*}}\supseteq\mathfrak{D}_{A}\\
& & A^{*}\psi=A\psi\qquad\forall\psi\in\mathfrak{D}_{A}.

While I define Self-adjoint like this
Let be $\mathcal{A}=\left(A,\mathfrak{D}_{A}\right)$
an operator densely defined and $\mathcal{A}^{*}=\left(A^{*},\mathfrak{D}_{A^{*}}\right)$ the adjoint operator, then $\mathcal{A}$ it is called selfadjoint if
& & \mathfrak{D}_{A^{*}}=\mathfrak{D}_{A}\\
& & A^{*}\psi=A\psi\qquad\forall\psi\in\mathfrak{D}_{A}.

Best Answer

This is far from being true, indeed, every symmetric operator has only real eigenvalues:

If $\psi\in\ker(T-\lambda),\,\psi\neq 0$, then $$ \lambda\|\psi\|^2=\langle T\psi,\psi\rangle=\langle \psi,T\psi\rangle=\bar\lambda\|\psi\|^2, $$ hence $\lambda=\bar\lambda$.

Now every symmetric operator that is not self-adjoint yields a counterexample to your conjecture (if you want to be explicit, take $\Delta$ on $C_c^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)$ as operator in $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$).

To get a criterion for self-adjointness, you have to replace the eigenvalues by the spectrum of the operator. Then the following characterization holds:

A symmetric operator $T$ is self-adjoint if and only if its spectrum is contained in $\mathbb{R}$.

Proof: It suffices to show that $D(T^\ast)\subset D(T)$. Let $z\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}$. Since $\sigma(T)\subset\mathbb{R}$, the operators $T-z$ and $T-\bar z$ are invertible.

Let $\phi\in D(T^\ast)$ and $\psi:=(T-z)^{-1}(T^\ast -z)\phi\in D(T)$. Then we have $T\psi=T^\ast\psi$ and $(T^\ast-z)\psi=(T-z)\psi$.

It follows that $$ (T^\ast-z)(\phi-\psi)=(T-z)\psi-(T-z)\psi=0, $$ that is, $\phi-\psi\in N(T^\ast-z)=R(T-\bar z)^\perp=\{0\}$. Hence, $\phi=\psi\in D(T)$.

Remark: I used $R(A)$ and $N(A)$ to denote the range and kernel of $A$.

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