[Math] If $\alpha$ is an even permutation, prove that $\alpha^{-1}$ is an even permutation.


If $\alpha$ is an even permutation, prove that $\alpha^{-1}$ is an even permutation. If $\alpha$ is an odd permutation prove that $\alpha^{-1}$ is an odd permutation

Let the permutation $\alpha$ be a product of two cycles, if the permutation is even the transposition is $\alpha=\{T_1T_2 \cdots T_m\}$ if and only if $m$ is even. An inverse permutation $\alpha^{-1}$ is $\{T_1T_2 \cdots T_m\}^{-1}$. Now the transposition $T=T^{-1}$ thus the permutation and inverse permutation are equal so $\alpha=\alpha^{-1}$ if $m$ is even then $\alpha^{-1}$ is also even. Repeat the same process for odd.

Best Answer

If $\alpha = \sigma_1\sigma_2\dots \sigma_{2k}$, where $\sigma_i$ is transposition then $\alpha^{-1} = \sigma_{2k}\dots \sigma_2\sigma_1$.

Similarly with the case of odd permutation.

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