[Math] If $\alpha = 2$cos$(2\pi/5)$ satisfies the equation $x^2+x-1 = 0$ then conclude that the regular $5$-gon is constructible by straightedge and compass.


Use the fact that $\alpha = 2\cos(\frac{2\pi}{5})$ satisfies the equation $x^2+x-1 = 0$ to conclude that the regular $5$-gon is constructible by straightedge and compass.

Attempt: $\alpha = 2\cos(\frac{2\pi}{5})$ satisfies the equation $x^2+x-1 = 0$. Recall by theorem that if $\beta$ is construtible, then so is $\sqrt{|\beta|}$.

We know $x^2+x-1 = 0$. is irreducible over $\mathbb{Q}$, and that for any root $\alpha $ of $p(x)$, $[\mathbb{Q}(\alpha): \mathbb{Q}] = 2$. Also, if $\frac{2\pi}{5}$ is a constructible angle so is $2\cos(\frac{2\pi}{5})$.

And recall $\sin^2\theta = 1 – \cos^2\theta$, thus $\sin(\frac{2\pi}{5}) = \sqrt{(1 – \cos^2(\frac{2\pi}{5})}$ is also constructible.

Can someone please help me? I don't know how to continue. Do they assume I have to do a pentagon using a straightedge and compass?

Best Answer

Starting with 2 points in the plane separated by a distance $1$, and if $A$ and $B$ are constructible lengths then so are $\sqrt A,A+B,|A-B|,AB,$ and (if $ B\ne 0$ ) so is $A/B$, by some fairly simple geometric constructions. And every positive integer is a constructible length. Using all this and the quadratic formula,if $A,B,C$ are constructible lengths with $A\ne 0$, and the real number $x$ satisfies $ Ax^2+B +C=0$ then $x$ is constructible. Hence $D=\alpha /2=\cos (2\pi /5)$ is. So take points $p,q$ a distance $D$ apart.Draw circle $\Sigma$ centered at $p$, with radius $1$, draw line $l$ thru $q$ , perpendicular to the line thru $p,q$. Then $\Sigma$ meets the line thru $p,q$ at a point $r$ with $q$ between $p$ and $r$ , and $\Sigma$ meets $l$ at points $s_1$ and $s_2$ . The triangle $p ,r, s_1$ is one fifth of a regular pentagon centered at $p$.

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